Threshold ramps, single-sided from LivetSomSenior ApS

Ramps used on one side of a threshold to even out minor differences in level.


The minimal height of threshold that the ramp is intended for
mm (± 5 mm)
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1 product series.
Threshold ramp in aluminium. Can be situated or movable.

Threshold ramp in aluminium. Can be situated or movable.

These ramps are made in rubber, and is very easy to install. The underside has a adhesive streak covered by a security film. Thereby, it can both be situated in a fixed position, glued to the flooring, or be movable.
The ramp has a width of 90 cm., but can easily be adjusted with a stanley knife.

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LivetSomSenior ApS
Haraldsborgvej 20
4000 Roskilde