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3 product series.

TD Snap
TD Snap is a symbol communication programme built and designed to support people with language disabilities. Based on core words and PCS Symbols it is easy to use and made to grow with users at all stages and ages. Can be accessed with either eye gaze, touch, switches or joystick. For Tobii Dynavox Computers and other Windows devices.
Add to My listTobii Dynavox Aps
Lyskær 3C, 2.
2730 Herlev
+45 85 22 95 20

Tobii Dynavox Aps
Lyskær 3C, 2.
2730 Herlev
+45 85 22 95 20

Tobii Dynavox Aps
Lyskær 3C, 2.
2730 Herlev
+45 85 22 95 20