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Vocally is a voice-controlled number transmitter used with a regular landline telephone.
When you lift the tube, Vocally says Say the name you want to call and when you say the name, Vocally calls
up to the selected person.
You can also call a phone number that Vocally does not know by saying the numbers one at a time
Butik KIK
Blekinge Boulevard 2
2630 Taastrup
+45 36 46 19 60
Nummersender telefonhjælpemiddel
Nummersender Telefonhjælpemiddel til ældre eller personer med hukommelsesvigt.
Kan sættes til almindelig fastnettelefon
Butik KIK
Blekinge Boulevard 2
2630 Taastrup
+45 36 46 19 60