Remembrance systems from Carity ApS

Devices and software to recall memories of the past, e.g. talking photo albums.


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2 product series.
MemoryCube Plus

MemoryCube Plus

Turn the cube and start relaxing music and pictures on the TV.
Create reminiscence and meaningful conversations with images, videos and music that are easy for citizens with dementia to relate to.
Calming effect in situations that can cause confusion such as end of shifts and daily events. Provide cozy and inviting environments in the common areas.

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Carity ApS
Gustav Wieds Vej 19, Kl
8000 Aarhus C



MemoryCube helps seniors and people with dementia stay in touch with their family and memories. Just turn the MemoryCube to select and display photos and videos that relatives have sent from their smartphone. Reminiscence with personal photos improves quality of life and strengthens identity. Support Android and iOS systems.

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Carity ApS
Gustav Wieds Vej 19, Kl
8000 Aarhus C