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3 product series.

Tele Call
Holkebjergvej 106
5250 Odense SV
+45 21 12 34 56

emerit e-WG100
Body-worn emergency call from emerit. Can be attached to a carabiner, belt clip, neck strap or bracelet. Can make silent emergency calls, two-way talk, GPS location and vibrating feedback.
Add to My listTele Call
Holkebjergvej 106
5250 Odense SV
+45 21 12 34 56

Cordless phone with extra security alarm
Cordless phone with body-worn remote control for emergency calls, with two-way communication. Can be connected to 4 emergency contacts and the remote control has two speed dial buttons, M1 and M2, which, when pressed, dial the connected person.
Add to My listTele Call
Holkebjergvej 106
5250 Odense SV
+45 21 12 34 56