Tablets from NuKom

Portable computers with touch screen, without keyboard.


" (± 1 ")
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2 product series.
Jabbla - Tellus

Jabbla - Tellus

Tellus i6 is an eyecontrolled windows pc in tablet size, with high functionality and innovative solutions for the users special needs. The device includes the best components, with marked leading eyecontrol from Tobii Dynavox.
It is also available with out eyecontrol, with touchscreen only. That model is called Tellus 6.

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Lykkesholms alle 30a
1902 Frederiksberg

Vibe 10/12

Vibe 10/12

Light and elegant speech generating device. Can be purchased as either 10 or 12 screen. Great speakers, partner display, built in carry handle and table foot. Mountable. Full access to Mind Express 5 which includes many pagesets for communication, such as Steps to Language and AlphaCore.

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Lykkesholms alle 30a
1902 Frederiksberg