
Tin-openers with special features for persons with disability.


Including products that support one hand operation of tools and objects
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One Touch Can opener

One Touch Can opener

This Automatic Can Opener, is a handy gadget that opens cans effortlessly with just one touch. The magnet button lifts and releases the lid easily for disposal. Ideal for those with limited hand mobility. 2 x AA batteries required. To clean, simply wipe with a damp cloth and dry off.

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One-Touch can opener

One-Touch can opener

Electrical can opener - easy to use. Inclusive batteries

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K.C. Pedersen
Helgeshøj Alle 10 st. th
2630 Tåstrup

Snap-Lock can opener

Snap-Lock can opener

Just click the can opener on the can, then hold it into position. No need to squeeze tightly. Swivel handle is wide and rounded for grip and comfort. there simply click on the lock to release the can opener again.

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Good Grip Can Opener

Good Grip Can Opener

Good Grip Can Opener has a soft, ergonomic, non-slip swivel handle. You can operate the can opener with little effort. It has also a lock function. Dimensions: 18 cm long. Cleaning: Can be machine washed at max 65 C.

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