Wireless remote controls from Tele Call

Wireless units for operating electrical devices.


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4 product series.
New Relax - Infrared remote control

New Relax - Infrared remote control

The remote control can be programmed for most infrared devices.
With a connected 0/1 switch, you can either access a single function on the remote, or access all eight functions using the automatic scan, with adjustable scan speed.

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Tele Call
Holkebjergvej 106
5250 Odense SV

TwoXTen infrared remote control

TwoXTen infrared remote control

The remote control has 10 buttons that can be set in two levels, so you have the option of embedding 20 different functions in the remote control. Each of the buttons can have a recorded sound connected. Then the button can say, for example, turn off the light, if its function is to turn off the light in the apartment.

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Tele Call
Holkebjergvej 106
5250 Odense SV

Seki Grande remote control

Seki Grande remote control

Simple universal remote control that can control two different devices. For example, two different televisions, by pressing the A or B button.
Seki Grande uses 2x AAA batteries, which are not included.

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Tele Call
Holkebjergvej 106
5250 Odense SV

Seki Medium Remote Control

Seki Medium Remote Control

Very user-friendly and easy-to-use remote control with large keys, where you can change channels and adjust the volume. For the Seki Medium remote control, 2 devices can be connected to avoid a variety of remote controls.

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Tele Call
Holkebjergvej 106
5250 Odense SV