Joystick mice

Mice where the cursor i positioned using a joysticks, e.g. mouth joysticks.


In combination with 0/1 switch.
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Point-It Pro Joystick Switch

Point-It Pro Joystick Switch

Small compact joystick with either USB or Bluetooth connection. Can automatically connect to three devices within range via Bluetooth.

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Point-It Pro Joystick Ball Knob

Point-It Pro Joystick Ball Knob

A compact Joystick for alternative remote control of computers, tablets, televisions with Bluetooth or USB.

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Ultra Joystick

Ultra Joystick

The joystick is good to be mounted for users who need to control with the chin, the head or with the joystick set at a special angle or position. Three different handles are included with your joystick, so you can choose the handle that best suits your level of functionality. Connection via USB or micro USB port.

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Point-It Joystick Ball Knob

Point-It Joystick Ball Knob

Joystick for remote control of computer via USB or devices compatible with Bluetooth.

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Point-It Joystick Switch

Point-It Joystick Switch

Easy and intuitive control of your device with a joystick as a replacement for a regular mouse. Can either be connected via Bluetooth or USB.

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