Grip adapters for writing utensils from Seniorshop ApS

Loose grips for mounting on writing utensils to facilitate holding and using the item.


Writing equipment designed to hold writing utensil in position with point touching paper.
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2 product series.
Ultralight grib for pencils

Ultralight grib for pencils

Can be used to stabilize the index finger using a table knife or the like. pencil holder. Comes with 2 pieces. Weight: 1 gr / pcs.

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Seniorshop ApS
Søborg Hovedgade 44
2860 Søborg

Grib for pen

Grib for pen

3-edged plastic grip that fits pencils and standard pens. Finger-shaped grip. Made of soft plastic. Ass. colors. Package of 3.

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Seniorshop ApS
Søborg Hovedgade 44
2860 Søborg