Shopping trolleys from LivetSomSenior ApS

Bags mounted to a trolley, which can be dragged or pushed forward. Primary for everyday shopping.
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9 product series.
Shopping trolley with big bag, Playmarket GoPlus

Shopping trolley with big bag, Playmarket GoPlus

The shopping bag on this trolley has room for 52 liters, and is the largest in our assortment. Furthermore, it has a thermo-room for food.
The trolley has four wheels, and can be pushed like a stroller or pulled behind you.

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LivetSomSenior ApS
Haraldsborgvej 20
4000 Roskilde

Go Up trolley from Playmarket

Go Up trolley from Playmarket

This shopping cart from Playmarket is of the highest quality. Go Up has four wheels, where the two on the frontside is rotatable. Besides the large bag, it has a termo-pocket for food. Comes in black, red, blue or grey.

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LivetSomSenior ApS
Haraldsborgvej 20
4000 Roskilde