Air cleaners from Nordic2Care - Lux Danmark

Devices that remove pollutants from the air in the internal atmosphere.


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3 product series.
Lux AeroGuard Mini airpurifier

Lux AeroGuard Mini airpurifier

Lux AeroGuard are small, mobile airpurifiers in 2 sizes depending on room size and the odors/airproblem to be removed/prevented. AeroGuard removes 99.95 of all particles in the air and together with AeroBlock also removed odors like smoke, urine, wounds etc.
Aero Guard is tested by Teknologisk Institut and recommended for allergy by TÜV. Ozone-free

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Nordic2Care - Lux Danmark
Lerbækvej 8
2680 Solrød Strand

AeroGuard Sense - S

AeroGuard Sense - S

High efficient Air Purifiers, that eliminate 99,97 of all particles down to 0,1 my. Especially effective towards particles, bacteria and vira.

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Nordic2Care - Lux Danmark
Lerbækvej 8
2680 Solrød Strand

Lux AeroGuard 4S

Nordic2Care - Lux Danmark
Lerbækvej 8
2680 Solrød Strand