Equipment for movement, strength, balance and cardio training

Products for training the muscular and cardiovascular system, balance and coordination of physiological body functions.
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A system with full weight bearing that enables movement of the lower extremities. By playing computer games, the user is motivated to do the exercises. If the user is not able to do active movements, there are three different modes for passive movements.

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Bakketoften 3
8541 Skødstrup

AlterG Anti-Gravity Treadmill

AlterG Anti-Gravity Treadmill

AlterG is a weight bearing antigravity treadmill - simpel, safe and painfree to use. AlterG reduces a persons load on ankles, knee, hip and back with up to 80 . Doing this problems as pain in connection to early rehabilitation of balance and walk can be eliminated. AlterG is used when walking has become an issue.

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LEMCO Combi Bike Plus - modern WholeBody Exerciser

LEMCO Combi Bike Plus - modern WholeBody Exerciser

A unique modern arm / leg trainer with flywheel. By moving arms, the legs follow and therefore most people without forces in their legs can actually get their muscle stimulated and increase their blood circulation in the legs by using their arms. Ideel for training for wheel chair users and people with reduced mobility. Made in Denmark.

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LEMCO Rehab & Fysio ApS
Fabriksvej 3
3000 Helsingør

Pelvic Floor excerciser

Pelvic Floor excerciser

Regain control of your bladder and your pelvic floor.
With pelvic floor trainer, you can retrain the muscles of your pelvic floor, so they can withstand the days stresses.
Get rid of the insecurity, the incessant use of pads and recover control of a strong pelvic floor.
Pelvic floor trainer works by means of EMS - Electrical Muscle Stimulation.

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Pedal Exerciser in best Quality

Pedal Exerciser in best Quality

Pedal Exerciser with very good heel support. Highest Quality. Magnetic resistance and flywheel in the machine ensures good and healthy exercises.

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LEMCO Rehab & Fysio ApS
Fabriksvej 3
3000 Helsingør

StairTrainer - Stair for Rehabilitation

StairTrainer - Stair for Rehabilitation

StairTrainer is a rehabilitation and training aid. If you have an injury it is important to commence your rehabilitation quickly, to give yourself the most chance of regaining as much of your prior mobility and fitness as possible. StairTrainer is a mobile, fully adjustable staircase that is used to support patients in rehabilitation.

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