Ankle-foot orthoses

Orthoses that encompass the ankle joint and the whole or part of the foot.


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Ankle support - Malleo-Hit

Ankle support - Malleo-Hit

Ankle support for indications such as:
Ankle arthrosis
Chronic capsular ligament instability
Inflammation of the upper ankle / lower ankle
Mild ankle sprain
Post-operative foot & ankle
Rheumatism-related diseases of the foot & ankle
Swelling of the foot & ankle

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Clinical Innovation ApS
Tækkemandsvej 1
4300 Holbæk

Ankle bandage - ARTHROFIX AIR

Ankle bandage - ARTHROFIX AIR

ARTHROFIX AIR is an ankle stabilizing bandage based on pneumatic principles. It stabilizes the ankle and protects against medial and lateral tilt. The bandage allows for good mobility and has foam padding with an air cushion.

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Clinical Innovation ApS
Tækkemandsvej 1
4300 Holbæk

Dynamic foot lifting brace - NEURODYN DYNAM-X ACTIVE

Dynamic foot lifting brace - NEURODYN DYNAM-X ACTIVE

Dynamic foot lifting brace
Forefoot amputation (partial)
Lax and spastic foot flexor paresis
Lumbar nerve root damage
Other neurological/muscular diseases
Post-operative foot & ankle
Quadriceps weakness
Black (delivery up to 8 working days)
Right left:
Must be ordered right or left.

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Clinical Innovation ApS
Tækkemandsvej 1
4300 Holbæk

Bandages for plantar fasciitis with/without calcaneal spur

Bandages for plantar fasciitis with/without calcaneal spur

For the treatment of painful calcaneal spurs.
Plantar fasciitis with/without calcaneal spur
Post-operative foot & ankle
Free dorsal extension
Reduction in tone of the surrounding soft tissue
Reduction of pain around the inflamed tendon insertion at the calcaneum

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Clinical Innovation ApS
Tækkemandsvej 1
4300 Holbæk

Ankle-orthoses - NEURODYN CLASSIC

Ankle-orthoses - NEURODYN CLASSIC

Textile foot lifting brace for the dynamic compensation of flaccid paralysis.
Peroneal paralysis, all severities, especially for mild to moderate foot and toe flexor paresis (strength score 2-4)
Post-operative foot & ankle.

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Clinical Innovation ApS
Tækkemandsvej 1
4300 Holbæk