Devices for applying stockings

Assistive products for applying stockings.


Includes devices for both open toe stockings and closed toe stockings.
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Stocking applicators

Funder Development Aps
Hjulmagervej 4A
7100 Vejle

Etac Socky stocking aid, long

Etac Socky stocking aid, long

It can be used for short or knee long socks as well as for tights. Socky long consists of a long plastic sheet placed under a pre-folded nylon fabric with a handle on top.

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Etac Socky stocking aid, short

Etac Socky stocking aid, short

Socky short is the perfect stocking aid for both short and knee long socks including flight socks. It consists of a plastic base with two hooks under a pre-folded nylon fabric. The sock is simply pulled onto the Socky fabric. Socky short slides up around your foot and lower leg with ease, placing the socks perfectly.

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Stocking aid EX

Stocking aid EX

Stocking aid help for socks

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K.C. Pedersen
Helgeshøj Alle 10 st. th
2630 Tåstrup