Raised toilet seats, detachable

Raised toilet seats (loose attachments) placed directly on the toilet bowl/toilet seat where the seat insert can easily be removed from the toilet bowl/toilet seat.


Height measured from the upper part of the toilet bowl to the upper part of the raised toilet seat.
cm (± 2 cm)
cm (± 2 cm)
cm (± 2 cm)
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Toilet seat raiser without lid

Toilet seat raiser without lid

Toilet seat raiser without lid. No tools are needed for installation. The current seat can be removed or put in upright position. Notice that it cannot be closed when the seat raiser is attached. The seat raiser is placed on the pan and are locked with finger screws in each side. The process takes less than a minute. Available as 5, 10 and 15 cm.

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Toilet seat raiser with lid, easy to mount

Toilet seat raiser with lid, easy to mount

Toilet seat raiser with a lid. The installation is easy and do not require tools. The current toilet seat can be removed or put in upright position.
The seat raiser is placed onto the toilet pan. You lock it with finger screws in each side. The process takes less than a minute.
This seat raiser is available in three heights: 5, 10 and 15 cm.

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Raised toilet seat without lid

Raised toilet seat without lid

The toilet seat is easy to clean as there are no corners where dirt and dust can settle out of reach. Furthermore, it can be sterilized by putting it in a water bath at 85 C for one minute.

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Raised toilet seat with lid

Raised toilet seat with lid

Raised toilet seat with lid that can easily be mounted without using any tools. There are no corner where dirt and dust can settle out of reach, making the seat easy to clean. The seat can be sterilized by putting it in a water bath at 85 C for one minute.

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Toilet seat raiser with foldable armrests

Toilet seat raiser with foldable armrests

User-friendly toilet seat raiser with functional and foldable armrests. Ergonomically designed, made of durable material, simple attachment system.
12 cm high, fits all standard toilets. The raiser is placed/mounted on top of the existing toilet seat. Easy to clean, has a hygiene cutout at the front. Can be installed without tools.

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Basic toilet seat riser with lid

Basic toilet seat riser with lid

Translation: The toilet seat riser with a lid provides an elevation of either 10 or 15 cm, depending on the model. Installing the riser is easy, and you dont need any tools. The riser fits all standard toilets and is easy to clean. It is designed with hygiene cutouts in the front and rear. The user weight capacity is 250 kg for both models.

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Basic toilet seat riser without a lid - 10 cm

Basic toilet seat riser without a lid - 10 cm

Practical and high-quality toilet seat riser. Easy to install on standard toilets without the need for tools and can support up to 250 kg. Note that you cannot use your regular toilet seat lid with this riser. You dont need to remove your existing toilet seat it just needs to be raised, and the seat features hygienic cutouts for added comfort.

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Etac My-Loo raised toilet seat with brackets

Etac My-Loo raised toilet seat with brackets

My-Loo with brackets, is designed with few parts made of durable materials. The clean, smooth surfaces are easy to clean with a soft cloth. Should separate cleaning be required, the seat is easy to remove and equally simple to put back in place. The flexible and adjustable brackets My-Loo fits most toilets and is extremely easy to install.

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