Assistive products for activities and participation relating to personal mobility and transportation

Products intended to support or replace a persons capacity to move indoors and outdoors or to transfer from one place to another.
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Cargobike, 3 wheel - Premium

Cargobike, 3 wheel - Premium

Do you want a little extra and less maintenance, our Premium Electric Cargo Bike with front disc brakes is the choice for you. The brakes are from Promax. Quality bike with a powerful engine that can handle up to 40 km. on a full charge (also in winter).

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Active Lifter GLS5.2

Active Lifter GLS5.2

GLS5.2 lifts the user from sitting to standing position and is also useful for daily frequent movements back and forth between bed, chair and bathroom. GLS5.2 active personal lifter provides an easy, comfortable and safe way to travel and support users with little or full control of the upper body. It is available in 2 types, 155 and 205 kg.

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Guldmann A/S
Graham Bells Vej 21-23 A
8200 Århus N