Assistive products for activities and participation relating to personal mobility and transportation

Products intended to support or replace a persons capacity to move indoors and outdoors or to transfer from one place to another.
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Ki Rogue XP wheelchair

Ki Rogue XP wheelchair

The Rogue XP is a lightweight wheelchair for young people with the appearance of an adult wheelchair and the functionality of a childs wheelchair. The chair can be adjusted by up to 7.5 cm in depth and width. It has a folding back that is angle and height adjustable and a light frame (5.3 kg) that makes it easy to transport.

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Dynamic Arm Support

Dynamic Arm Support

Dynamic Arm Support reduces the risk of long-term upper limb dysfunction and promotes functional activity. The pivot mechanism under the elbow pad allows for active range of motion (ROM) and the quick release mechanism makes it easy to remove from the wheelchair armrest. The dynamic hand block also allows the fingers to flex.

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