Rollators with four wheels, to be pulled

Posterior rollators with four wheels to be pulled forward behind the user.


Products for children must comply with the specific demands for safety as stated in certain standards. It is the supplier of the product who has stated that the product is intended for children. The National Board of Social Services holds no responsibility in relation to this assessment.
As a minimum the brakes can be operated on both sides with one hand
Lowest position for the hand grip
Heighest position of the hand grip
The maximum external width of the rollator when all adjustments are at their maximum
The maximum external length of the rollator when all adjustments are at their maximum
Excludes accessories that are detachable without the use of tools, e.g. basket, tray or seat
Measured with the handles adjusted parallel to the direction of movement
cm (± 2 cm)
Measured from the floor to the centre of the upper surface of the seat. Measured with the seat in the lowest position
cm (± 2 cm)
Measured from the floor to the centre of the upper surface of the seat. Measured with the seat in the highest position
cm (± 2 cm)
All product information is provided by the supplier. The National Board of Social Services is not responsible for either contents, origin, flaws and deficiencies, or any kind of damage that may occur from the use of the information. The National Board of Social Services has no authority to endorse products and does not assess the quality of the products. Hide this message.

R82 Crocodile walker

R82 Crocodile walker

Crocodile is a rear-facing walker for children. It is placed behind the child so that the child gets optimal support. Crocodile is easy to dismantle and take with you. In the standard version, Crocodile is used by children who need a little support. Can be supplemented with various accessories that give the child more support.

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Nurmi Neo

Nurmi Neo

The Nurmi Neo walking aid for children is positioned behind the body and is open in the walking direction. Supports an active upright body posture and a natural gait pattern. Roll-lock devices on the rear wheels prevent the gait trainer from rolling back accidentally. Height adjustable hand grips. Easily folded for storage.

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Wolturnus A/S
Halkærvej 24B
9240 Nibe

FROG Walker

Bakketoften 3
8541 Skødstrup