Diverse human powered vehicles

Transportation chairs, buggies, sledges, crawlers, mobility boards,wheeled stretchers, pedal cars etc. Cycles, see 12 18. Manual wheelchairs, see 12 22.
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For the older children up to 80kg and between 75 - 175 cm

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Til børn uden gang- eller siddefunktion. Bruger højde 90-125 cm og brugervægt 40 kg

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Pushchair for children who are unable to sit or walk in a correcti position. It has a sleeping position with a turnable seat and is approved for bus transportation. For children in height between 85 and 10 cm and max. user weight of 45 kg.

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Condor Atlas Baby carrier

Condor Atlas Baby carrier

Baby carrier for children and mobility limited youths.
4 x Shock absorbers
Removable and collapsible box
Upholstered bottom
Medically approved skai clothing inside and outside on box
Foldable canopy
Long-lasting PU wheels
Foam mattress covered with removable waterrepellent microfiber and breathable material
Basket in leather look/impregnated fabric

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made of pinewood with solid wheels
size: 120 x 40 cm
A flexible and solid rollerboard, developed by physiotherapists - for training, increased mobility and a
fun game of roll ball.

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