Large sliding and turning products, manually operated

Sheets and underlays in flexible materials with low friction. Length above 80 cm.


cm (± 10 cm)
cm (± 5 cm)
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Slip sheet/Reversible sheet, green 145 x 70 cm

Slip sheet/Reversible sheet, green 145 x 70 cm

This fitted sheet (tube-shaped) measures 145 x 70 cm and is designed to fit perfectly in most beds. The sliding sheet is a solution to make the care and handling of people easier and more comfortable, even for heavier people.

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Agerhatten 16 B, PORT 1
5220 Odense

Glidelagen, SatinSheet

Glidelagen, SatinSheet

Glidlagnet gør det nemmere at vende sig og komme ud til sengekanten. En bred bomuldskant gør brugeren kan sidde sikkert på sengekanten og dynen ikke glider ud over kanten. Satinens vævsretning, gør at brugeren ikke glider ned i sengen. Lagnet har elastikker i hjørnerne så det kan fastgøres til madrassen.

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Seniorshop ApS
Søborg Hovedgade 44
2860 Søborg

Large sliding and turning products, manually operated

Large sliding and turning products, manually operated

Large sliding and turning products, manually operated

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Danish CARE Supply A/S
Alsikevej 8
8920 Randers NV