Large sliding and turning products, manually operated

Sheets and underlays in flexible materials with low friction. Length above 80 cm.


cm (± 10 cm)
cm (± 5 cm)
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Immedia Glide Cushion quilted, Length 90 cm

Immedia Glide Cushion quilted, Length 90 cm

Glide Cushion, quilted glide cushion, is used for turning in bed, transfer higher up in bed, and from bed to wheelchair and back. The glide cushion is easy to place and remove again. There are different types of protective covers for glide cushions as well as mattresses.

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Immedia 4WayGlide mini/midi glide mattress & nylon sheet, short system

Immedia 4WayGlide mini/midi glide mattress & nylon sheet, short system

4Way Glide Mini is a short glide system (100 cm) suitable for users with minor disabilities (pelvic dislocation, hip disorders, etc.). 4Way Glide Midi (150 cm) is a short sliding system that is suitable for heavy partially self-reliant users with greater disabilities, but with good leg function.

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Immedia 4WayGlide LPL, LPL Maxi, Full length Glide matress

Immedia 4WayGlide LPL, LPL Maxi, Full length Glide matress

Immedia 4WayGlide mattress is always used with a nylon sheet (there are many variants of nylon sheets). Together, the gliding mattress and the nylon sheet provide a manual transfer system that makes aligning, turning and moving in all 4 directions easier. Transfers can be done either manually or with a mobile / ceiling lift.

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Immedia MultiGlide SG (Spilerglide) sliding sheet - tubular

Immedia MultiGlide SG (Spilerglide) sliding sheet - tubular

MultiGlide SG is suitable for all types of transfers where it is desired to reduce friction under pressure points. It is smooth on both sides, which reduces friction to the maximum when using a double layer. Easy to place and needs to be removed again when the transfer is made. Available on a roll or as tubular models in various sizes.

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Immedia MultiGlide sliding sheet - tubular - large

Immedia MultiGlide sliding sheet - tubular - large

MultiGlide is a tubular sliding sheet with very low friction on the inside and a surface coated with polyurethane that stabilizes during use. MultiGlide is suitable for all movements where you want to reduce friction under pressure points. MultiGlide is easy to place and remove after use.

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Hovertech HoverSling SPU Repositioning Sheet & Split Leg

Hovertech HoverSling SPU Repositioning Sheet & Split Leg

HoverSling is a combination air-assisted transfer mattress and lifting sling that allows caregivers to use a Single Patient Use product for almost all patient handling tasks, including: lateral transfers, repositioning, reversing and lifting.

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HoverMatt air assisted transfer mattress

HoverMatt air assisted transfer mattress

This air-assisted transfer system ensures lateral transfers between two beds. When the mattress is inflated, the airflow reduces the traction required to move the patient/mattress by as much as 80-90 percent. The transfer mattresses are available as reusable variants and as disposable variants for reduced risk of infection.

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Immedia TransferMattress, padded, set w. matress/cover

Immedia TransferMattress, padded, set w. matress/cover

Used for transfer between 2 beds, for example between bed, bath stretcher, surgery, X-ray or treatment bed. Can also be used for turning from back to stomach. Available in width 60 cm. Made in a soft cotton/polyester material. Covers are available in nylon or as disposable covers in polyethylene.

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Immedia MultiGlide with handles - turbular

Immedia MultiGlide with handles - turbular

MultiGlide with handle is an unpadded tubular sliding sheet that is advantageously used to move the user higher up in the bed or when moving on the X-ray/scanner bed. Multiglide is easy to place and remove and should be removed after use. High friction on the outside, low friction on the inside.

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Immedia TwinSheet 4Glide, glide pad for incontinent users

Immedia TwinSheet 4Glide, glide pad for incontinent users

The glide pad is either 2-parted or a full length incontinence glide pad. Turning can be done manually or with a mobile/ceiling hoist. The straps on the upper part of the glide pad are placed on the hoists yoke, whereby the hoist gently turns the user and possibly keeps him/her in a sided position during wound care, personal hygiene, or dressing.

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