Large sliding and turning products, manually operated

Sheets and underlays in flexible materials with low friction. Length above 80 cm.


cm (± 10 cm)
cm (± 5 cm)
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Madrascover Re-cover

Madrascover Re-cover

Re-cover This way we can recycle our products and consider environmental and ergonomic aspects. Re-cover is a new resown ILF Cover that makes mounting a lot easier.
Re-cover is now fitted around the corners of the mattress with strong elastic bands. This way you do not need to lift or bend the mattress to mount the Re-cover.

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master care A/S
Sofienlystvej 3
8340 Malling

Arjo, Maxi Slide sheets

Arjo, Maxi Slide sheets

The flat sheet design with ergonomic handles provides excellent support for a wide variety of manoeuvres. It is particularly easy to put in place and remove from underneath the patient. Available in 2 lengths and 3 widths. Pull straps can be mounted.
Washable at 80 degrees Celcius. Drip-dry.

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Arjo A/S
Industriparken 21A, 2 sal
2750 Ballerup