Lifting seats and lifting mattresses

Transfer equipment for lifting a person from the floor to e.g. a bed or to a sitting position wherefrom standing up may be possible.
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Rhino/Swift supine system - løftepudesystem

Rhino/Swift supine system - løftepudesystem

With minimal handling, the Rhino Lifting Cushion and Swift Transfer Cushion provide a system for lifting and transferring the patient in a supine position. Provides a stable patient experience with a design for use in hospitals in any department, e.g. operating theatres, X-ray, MRI scanners, general wards and car parks.

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Winncare Nordic ApS
Tårnborgvej 12C
4220 Korsør

HoverTech HoverJack Air Patient lift & HoverJack Evacuation EMS

HoverTech HoverJack Air Patient lift & HoverJack Evacuation EMS

The HoverJack Air Patient Lift allows caregivers to safely lift patients laterally, which have fallen without assembling a lifting bracket. HoverJack is inflated to lift patients from floor to bed or other bed in a supine position, maximizing patient comfort and minimizing the risk of injury to both patient and caregiver.

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Raizer - Lifting Chair

Raizer - Lifting Chair

Raizer is a simple battery operated mobile lifting chair that helps a fallen person up to an almost standing position within a few minutes. Raizer can with ease be assembled and operated by only one assistant and does not require any physical effort besides a supportive hand. Raizer is used by personnel in home care, institutions, etc.

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Direct Healthcare Group Danmark A/S
Stensmosevej 24C
2620 Albertslund

Raizer M - lifting chair for domestic use

Raizer M - lifting chair for domestic use

If you, or one of your loved ones, experience falling in your home, you can immediately feel safe knowing that the Raizer M is ready to help you get back on your feet. The manual Raizer M can get you back on your feet with the help of a relative who is close by.

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Direct Healthcare Group Danmark A/S
Stensmosevej 24C
2620 Albertslund

ELK Oppustelig Løftepude til Opsamling fra Gulv

ELK Oppustelig Løftepude til Opsamling fra Gulv

With use of ELK, it is possible to raise a fallen person upto 450 kg without straining the helpers back. Also suitable with limited space, e.g. in bathrooms, in corridors on stairwells. Minimizes the risk of lifting injuries for the helper. Seat height of 56.5 cm makes it easy for the user to stand up. Weighs only 9.3 kg and is easy to transport.

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Winncare Nordic ApS
Tårnborgvej 12C
4220 Korsør

CAMEL lifting cushion

CAMEL lifting cushion

With CAMEL, a fallen person can be lifted from the floor to a sitting position with dignity and without risk to the carers back and shoulders. The seat height of 56 cm makes it easy for the user to stand up. CAMELs backrest and seat support the user, minimising strain on the carer. Can be used in confined spaces and requires only one carer.

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Winncare Nordic ApS
Tårnborgvej 12C
4220 Korsør

Eagle lifting cushion

Eagle lifting cushion

Eagle is our smart lifting solution for the home. The latest addition to our range of safe lifting pads.
Eagle is tailored for home care, designed to both sit up and lift a fallen person and aims to help care for back injuries as well. several lifts that the individual uses to be independent.

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Winncare Nordic ApS
Tårnborgvej 12C
4220 Korsør