Furnishings, fixtures and other assisitve products for supporting activities in indoor and outdoor human-made environments

Furniture and other products that can be placed in, incorporated into or, otherwise, added to, the built environment to facilitate movement and positioning, including entry and exit, within areas constructed for public and private use. Included are, e.g. products for sitting, standing and lying. Sets of castors, see 24 36 06. Assistive products for environmental improvement, see 27 03. Workplace furniture and furnishing elements, see 28 03.
All product information is provided by the supplier. The National Board of Social Services is not responsible for either contents, origin, flaws and deficiencies, or any kind of damage that may occur from the use of the information. The National Board of Social Services has no authority to endorse products and does not assess the quality of the products. Hide this message.

Vital flameretardent blanket

B6 A/S / Fortexa
Tøjstrupvej 39-41
8961 Allingåbro

Fortena flameretardent blanket

B6 A/S / Fortexa
Tøjstrupvej 39-41
8961 Allingåbro

Olaf 135 Care cot Natural

Olaf 135 Care cot Natural

Massive bed in beech, for troubled children. Available with two entrance heights, 17 cm and 35 cm. Three bed size: 140/70, 170/90 and 200/90 cm. Bed side height is 98 cm. and 135 cm. The bed has quadruple doors, also available in color. Special locking brackets allow the doors not to be opened from the inside. Individual customization possible.

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Jysk Handi
Hornbjergvej 11
8543 Hornslet

Olaf 98 Natural

Olaf 98 Natural

Massive bed in beech, for troubled children. Available with two entrance heights, 17 cm and 35 cm. Three bed size: 140/70, 170/90 and 200/90 cm. Bed side height is 98 cm. and 135 cm. The bed has quadruple doors, also available in color. Special locking brackets allow the doors not to be opened from the inside. Individual customization possible.

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Jysk Handi
Hornbjergvej 11
8543 Hornslet