Assistive products for hearing

Devices for concentrating, amplifying, modulating and transmitting sound for a person with hearing problems. Included are, e.g. hearing aids with built-in tinnitus masking. Sound stimulators, see 04 28 06.
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Oticon Connectline TV Adapter 2.0

Oticon Connectline TV Adapter 2.0

With the Connectline TV adapter 2.0, you can enjoy the sound from the television in high quality with new freedom. The Oticon Connectline TV Adapter 2.0 sends sound from the television through the Streamer Pro to your hearing aids. The hearing aids act as a headset and the Streamer Pro as a volume control.

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Widex T-DEX

Widex T-DEX

T-DEX is a wireless and handsfree neckloop - compatible with all hearingaids with telecoil. Sound is transmitted directly to the hearing aids, and with the easy handling at T-DEX, which hangs in a neck-loop, it also supplies handsfree handling of calls on the phone. Calls can be started and ended with a single push on a button.

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ConnectLine mikrofon

ConnectLine mikrofon

ConnectLine mikrofon (kræver Streamer version 1.4) er en diskret mikrofon, som trådløst forbinder til Streamer, og lader dig føre en en-til-en-samtale i situationer, der tidligere har været vanskelige eller ligefrem umulige. Dette er væsentligt forbedret i disse situationer.

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Widex Charge n Clean BTE R D

Widex Charge n Clean BTE R D

Take better care of your Widex rechargeable hearing aids with Widex Charge n Clean. During the charging process, the hearing aids are dried.
The 3-in-1 charger offers:
- 4-hour charge for full day use 30-min charge for 4-hour hearing aid use
- UV-C LED treatment eliminates up to 99.99 of bacteria, yeast and viruses

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Starkey SurfLink Mini Mobile

Starkey SurfLink Mini Mobile

Starkey SurfLink Mini Mobile connects your Bluetooth devices to your hearing aids and has an integrated microphone. With this you can stream the sound from your devices and listen to music and watch movies in the most optimal way. You can now use mobile Bluetooth devices and stream the sound directly into your ears.

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