Dialogue units

Portable and non-portable electronic devices for alternative and augmentative communication between persons situated in the same place. Included are, e.g. digital electronic displays, output equipment for recorded and synthetic speech.
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Grid Pad 10s

Grid Pad 10s

Grid Pad 10s is a dedicated, multi-access device designed for users who want a portable and rugged communication aid.

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Grid Pad 12 with Eye Gaze

Grid Pad 12 with Eye Gaze

12,5 dedicated device with Eye Gaze, symbol and text communication, AAC-aid.
10 hours battery life
Built-in radio and infrared Environment Control
Easy to use and edit, remote editing
Symbols - SymbolStix, PCS etc

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Touch Pad

Touch Pad

Touch Pad is a 10 lightweight AAC device for touch access. Grid 3 software. For all ages and conditions. Long battery life, amplifies speaker, rugged case, handle and adjustable stand. Lightweight 1 kg only.

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Grid Pad 12

Grid Pad 12

12,5 dedicated device, symbol and text communication, AAC-aid
15 hours battery life
Built-in radio and infrared Environment Control
Easy to use and edit, remote editing
Ready for use with eye gaze, switches, touch, and USB devices
Symbols SymbolStix, PCS etc

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Grid Pad 13

Grid Pad 13

Grid Pad 13 is compatible with all operating methods and is included with the flexible communication programme Grid 3.
Now with built-in 6.5 partner screen, 13.3 screen size, new programmable smart buttons, rear-facing personal speakers and much more.

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