Assistive products for distant communication

Assistive products for telecommunication and electronic network communication. Included are products primarily used for distance communication, but with options for face-to-face communication. Assistive products for face-to-face communication, see 22 21.
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Geemarc landline phone with emergency bracelet

Geemarc landline phone with emergency bracelet

Landline telephone with emergency call, emergency call bracelet, amplification of the sound, dialer, telephone book and 5 speed dial buttons. Caller ID. Outgoing voice adjustment /- 4 dB. Phonebook with space for 30 contacts. Number reader.

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Tonax A/S
Niels Bohrs Vej 15
8660 Skanderborg

IBell2 vækkeur

Fabers Høreteknik A/S (Aalborg Høreteknik A/S)
Grøndalsvej 8, Ulbjerg
8832 Skals

PowerTel 700, forstærkertelefon

Fabers Høreteknik A/S (Aalborg Høreteknik A/S)
Grøndalsvej 8, Ulbjerg
8832 Skals

Doro PhoneEasy 312ci Fastnettelefon

Fabers Høreteknik A/S (Aalborg Høreteknik A/S)
Grøndalsvej 8, Ulbjerg
8832 Skals

Doro Magna 4000

Fabers Høreteknik A/S (Aalborg Høreteknik A/S)
Grøndalsvej 8, Ulbjerg
8832 Skals

Doro 350 - Doro Secure nødkaldstelefon

Fabers Høreteknik A/S (Aalborg Høreteknik A/S)
Grøndalsvej 8, Ulbjerg
8832 Skals