Standard network telephones with portable receiver

Standard network telephones with wireless receiver and special features, e.g. large display or built-in teleloop.


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Wireless landline phone for Widex hearing aids.
PHONE-DEX 2 works with all newer Widex hearing aids WIDEX ENJOY, WIDEX EVOKE and newer.

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Fabriksvej 9A
4200 Slagelse

Cordless phone with answering machine and handset with photo keys

Cordless phone with answering machine and handset with photo keys

Geemarc cordless phone with answering machine with an extra handset with large photo keys. Call one of your four most important contacts easily and quickly, with a single tap of a picture.
Both cordless phones have extra high adjustable volume and ring volume.

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Tele Call
Holkebjergvej 106
5250 Odense SV

FreeTell 3 Cordless phone

FreeTell 3 Cordless phone

FreeTell 3 cordless landline phone with integrated telecoil and Bluetooth. 40 dB volume and tune control adjustment. Phonebook with 100 contacts. Hands-free speech via the base. Possibility of connecting additional handsets.

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Scantone A/S
Stestrupvej 86 B
4360 Kr. Eskilstrup



Wireless landline phone for Widex hearing aids.

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Widex Danmark A/S
Nymøllevej 6
3540 Lynge

Geemarc cordless phone with built-in answering machine and loud sound

Geemarc cordless phone with built-in answering machine and loud sound

Wireless user-friendly landline telephone with built-in answering machine. A phone that is especially good for you with hearing loss. The phone has extra loud sound and is compatible with hearing aids.

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Tele Call
Holkebjergvej 106
5250 Odense SV

Cordless phone with 2 handsets and built-in answering machine

Cordless phone with 2 handsets and built-in answering machine

Smart cordless landline phone with answering machine and an extra handset. With extra loud sound that is compatible with hearing aids.

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Tele Call
Holkebjergvej 106
5250 Odense SV

Geemarc Landline phone with cordless phone with photo keys

Geemarc Landline phone with cordless phone with photo keys

Landline phone with extra wireless handset with large photo keys. You get extra loud sound, answering machine, phonebook and an extra wireless handset with large picture keys for speed dialing.

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Tele Call
Holkebjergvej 106
5250 Odense SV

Geemarc cordless phone with answering machine, door phone and clock

Geemarc cordless phone with answering machine, door phone and clock

Cordless phone with amplified sound, answering machine and extra loud bell that acts as a door phone. With your little door phone, you no longer have to worry about opening the door late at night. You can easily talk to the callers before you decide if you want to let them in.

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Tele Call
Holkebjergvej 106
5250 Odense SV

Geemarc cordless landline phone with answering machine and loud sound

Geemarc cordless landline phone with answering machine and loud sound

Cordless landline telephone for the hearing impaired with answering machine. You can adjust the volume of the handset by up to 50 dB. You get an amplification of the phones ringing sound of up to 80 dB. On the side of the cordless phone, you will se a red button for emergency calls.

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Tele Call
Holkebjergvej 106
5250 Odense SV

SwissVoice Xtra 2355

Fabers Høreteknik A/S (Aalborg Høreteknik A/S)
Grøndalsvej 8, Ulbjerg
8832 Skals