Pillows and positioning cushions for head and neck from Baby Cloud ApS

Pillows for comfort and cushions for positioning head and neck. Included are ear cushions.


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2 product series.
Ergonomic Toddler Pillow

Ergonomic Toddler Pillow

The toddler pillow has a egg tray structure and are made in silicone foam with excellent breathability, which prevents moisture and heat build-up in young children aged 1 years, who have difficulty in regulating their body temperature.
The pillow can be washed at 60C or disinfected in 95C hot water for optimal hygiene.
White cotton cover included.

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Baby Cloud ApS
Solrød Center 12B
2680 Solrød Strand

Ergonomic Baby Pillow

Ergonomic Baby Pillow

The baby pillow prevents Flat Head Syndrome in infants aged between 0-6 months.
It is made of silicone foam with excellent breathability which reduces moisture and heat build-up.
Can be washed at 60C or disinfected in 95C hot water for optimal hygiene.
It fits with all beds, baby carriages and carrycots etc.
White cotton pillowcase included.

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Baby Cloud ApS
Solrød Center 12B
2680 Solrød Strand