Furnishings, fixtures and other assisitve products for supporting activities in indoor and outdoor human-made environments

Furniture and other products that can be placed in, incorporated into or, otherwise, added to, the built environment to facilitate movement and positioning, including entry and exit, within areas constructed for public and private use. Included are, e.g. products for sitting, standing and lying. Sets of castors, see 24 36 06. Assistive products for environmental improvement, see 27 03. Workplace furniture and furnishing elements, see 28 03.
Oras Care wash basin faucets

Oras Care wash basin faucets

Oras Care armaturerne til køkken- og håndvask er lavet med et betjeningsvenligt, let opadgående greb, der gør armaturerne nemme at anvende. Det opadgående greb giver mulighed for, at skubbe til grebet i stedet for at trække i det.

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Oras Armatur A/S
Gl. Landevej 86
7000 Fredericia

Oras Care kitchen faucets

Oras Care kitchen faucets

The Oras Care faucets for kitchen and wash basin are equipped with a user-friendly, light upward turning lever that makes the faucets easy to use. The upward grip allows you to push the lever instead of pulling it.

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Oras Armatur A/S
Gl. Landevej 86
7000 Fredericia

Piko Blika RX7

Piko Blika RX7

Massive 2100 lumens, low and high beam, red and green light, a gentle reading light, and the brand new FrontClick system makes the Blika the most versatile Lupine we have ever built. IP 68 (waterproofness ), IK 09 (impact strength)
Multi-Lens-System 22 / 12 / 180
2 x Cree XM-L2 U4, 2x XQ-E HI white, 1x XQ-E HI red, 1x XQ-E HI green
-30C to 70C.

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Lysoglup ApS
Erhvervsvej 30
2610 Rødovre

Stigus VM liftelevatoe

Stigus VM liftelevatoe

An elegant and user friendly home elevator with an open cabin for transportation of a person with or without a wheelchair over two floors.
Wessex VM requires minimal adjustments to your home to install and does not occupy floorspace when it is on another floor.

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Marienborg Park
2860 Søborg

Allergyfriendly and dustmite proof cover for pillow

Allergyfriendly and dustmite proof cover for pillow

If you have dustmite allergy or asthma due to allergy, this cover can help your symptoms and give you a better sleep. Breathable.

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Allergyfriendly and dustmite proof cover for duvet

Allergyfriendly and dustmite proof cover for duvet

For you with dustmite allergy and asthma due to allergy. This cover for duvet will help prevent the dustmites from entering the duvet and help your allergy symptoms.
The cover is made of millions og microfibre. Breathable

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Low Speed Indoor Platform elevator - AluLet LSPI

Low Speed Indoor Platform elevator - AluLet LSPI

AluLet LSPI (Low Speed Platform Indoor) is our platform elevator developed for indoor installment. The indoor platformlift sets itself apart from the indoor elevator and elevator lift by price, it is the most economic solution. Also, the platformlift requires fewer modifications to the surrounding building, than installing a tradition elevator.

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HYDRO-CON Elevator ApS
Stæremosen 70
3250 Gilleleje

High Speed Indoor Elevator - AluLet HSCI

High Speed Indoor Elevator - AluLet HSCI

Our AluLet Elevator Series consists of 10 elevators that vary in price, lifting capacity, indoor or outdoor placement options, automation degree, speed and more. All 10 products are available in a wide variety of measurements.
You can read more about how to choose the right product to match your needs in our elevator guide in the link below.

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HYDRO-CON Elevator ApS
Stæremosen 70
3250 Gilleleje