Furnishings, fixtures and other assisitve products for supporting activities in indoor and outdoor human-made environments

Furniture and other products that can be placed in, incorporated into or, otherwise, added to, the built environment to facilitate movement and positioning, including entry and exit, within areas constructed for public and private use. Included are, e.g. products for sitting, standing and lying. Sets of castors, see 24 36 06. Assistive products for environmental improvement, see 27 03. Workplace furniture and furnishing elements, see 28 03.
Malmstolen Classic 4000 kontorstol

Malmstolen Classic 4000 kontorstol

Med denne kontorstol for du optimal siddekomfort og kroppen balanceres i din foretrukne position. Model 4000 er en arbejdsstol med knæ-vippefunktion, hvor bevægelses-akslen er placeret lige under den forreste kant af sædet. Tilten kan bevæge sig fra 17 grader bagud til 4 grader fremad.
Armlæn og nakkestøtte kan tilkøbes.

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Ergopartner A/S
Theilgaards Torv 3
4600 Køge

Toiletlift STV100

Toiletlift STV100

Electronic toilet lift with katapult.

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Bano Life ApS
Karetmagervej 19B
7000 Fredericia