Assistive products for vertical accessibility

Lifts, lifting platforms, stair lifts and ramps. Hoists to transfer person not seated in wheelchair into or out of vehicles, see 12 12 15. Assistive products for transferring person seated in wheelchair into or out of vehicles, see 12 12 18. Assistive products for loading unoccupied wheelchairs onto or into vehicles, see 12 12 21. Powered stair-climbing transporters, see 12 17 03. Devices to which a wheelchair is attached that facilitate movement up and down stairs, se 12 24 39. Assistive products for lifting persons, see 12 36. Stairs, see 18 24 18. Lifting platforms for workplaces, see 28 09 12.
Chair Lifts - A Solution for Every Staircase

Chair Lifts - A Solution for Every Staircase

Chairlifts are the natural choice when it is no longer easy to get up and down the stairs. There is therefore no reason to move away from your home when there is a solution for all stairs - whether it is outside or inside, long or short, straight or with turns. As a walking-impaired, everyday life becomes easier with a chair lift.

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Telescopic ramps for power wheelchairs

Telescopic ramps for power wheelchairs

The ramps are made especially for electric wheelchairs and have a wider track width (25 cm) than our telescopic ramps for manual wheelchairs, as the wheelbase is often not the same on the electric wheelchairs. The side profiles of the ramps are 5.2 cm high on both sides. The telescopic ramp is equipped with a transport lock.

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Collapsible tailboard ramp

Collapsible tailboard ramp

Developed for manual wheelchairs. Made of aluminum. The ramp is made of expanded metal, which provides slip resistance in a special class. The mesh screens allow dirt, fallen leaves and snow to pass through. The ramp has 52 mm high side profiles. The handles on the ramp make it easy to carry. Is equipped with transport protection. Max. slope 10.

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