Orthoses and prostheses
Orthoses are externally applied devices used to modify the structural and functional characteristics of the neuromusculoskeletal systems; prostheses are externally applied devices used to replace, wholly or in part, an absent or deficient body segment. Included are orthopaedic footwear.06 03
Spinal and cranial orthoses
(60 product series)Orthoses that encompass the skull and all or parts of the spine.
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Abdominal orthoses
(8 product series)E.g. hernia supports.
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Upper limb orthoses
(134 product series)Orthoses for the whole or parts of the arms and the hands.
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Lower limb orthoses
(175 product series)Orthoses for the whole or parts of the legs and the feet.
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Functional neuromuscular stimulators and hybrid orthoses
(7 product series)E.g. functional electrical stimulators, hybrid orthotic systems.
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Prostheses other than limb prostheses
(4 product series)E.g. wigs, mammary prostheses, facial prostheses, ocular prostheses, dentures.