Spinal and cranial orthoses
Orthoses that modify the structural and functional characteristics of the neuromusculoskeletal systems of the spine and skull; the device may be custom fabricated to meet the functional needs of the individual user or prefabricated to meet a particular set of functional requirements; the prefabricated devices may be adjustable to fit an individual user, or they may be ready-to-use so that adjustment is not possible or no adjustment is necessary for any user.06 03 03
Sacro-iliac orthoses
(5 product series)Orthoses that encompass whole or part of the sacro-iliac region of the trunk.
06 03 06
Lumbo-sacral orthoses
(37 product series)Orthoses that encompass the whole or part of the lumbar and sacro-iliac regions of the trunk.
06 03 07
Thoracic orthoses
(2 product series)Orthoses that encompass the whole or part of the thoracic region of the trunk.
06 03 09
Thoraco-lumbo-sacral orthoses
(7 product series)Orthoses that encompass the whole or part of the thoracic, lumbar and sacro-iliac regions of the trunk.
06 03 12
Cervical orthoses
(8 product series)Orthoses that encompass the whole or part of the cervical region, including the atlanto-occipital joint.