Upper limb orthoses
Orthoses designed to modify structural and functional characteristics of the neuromusculoskeletal systems of the upper limbs; the devices may be custom fabricated or prefabricated; the prefabricated devices may be adjustable or ready to use.06 06 03
Finger orthoses
(23 product series)E.g. finger splints, hand cushions to counteract contractures.
06 06 12
Wrist-hand orthoses
(71 product series)Orthoses that encompass the wrist joint and the whole or part of the hand.
06 06 15
Elbow orthoses
(9 product series)Orthoses that encompass the elbow joint.
06 06 21
Shoulder orthoses
(10 product series)Orthoses that encompass the shoulder joint.
06 06 24
Shoulder-elbow orthoses
(19 product series)Orthoses that encompass the shoulder and elbow joints.
06 06 30
Shoulder-elbow-wrist-hand orthoses
(2 product series)Orthoses that encompass the shoulder, elbow and wrist joints and the whole or part of the hand.