Measuring instruments

Devices for measuring physical properties. Body thermometers, see 04 24 24. Personal scales, see 04 24 27. Assistive products for weighing and measuring to prepare food and drink, see 15 03 03. Clocks and timepieces, see 22 28 03. Measuring instruments and equipment for workplaces, see 28 18 03.
27 06 03

Assistive products and tools for measuring length

(18 product series)
Including tape measures, rules, calipers, and assistive products for identification of money.

27 06 06

Assistive products and tools for measuring angles and alignment

(2 product series)
Devices for measuring angles of an object.

27 06 15

Assistive products and tools for measuring electrical properties

(4 product series)
E.g. battery testers and light meters.

27 06 21

Assistive products and tools for measuring climatic conditions

(6 product series)
Devices for measuring/observing and identifying climatic conditions in a confined space.

27 06 24

Assistive products and tools for measuring colours

(7 product series)
Instruments for identifying the different components of colour.