Assistive products for sports

Devices that enable a person to engage in competitive and informal or formally organized games or athletic events, performed alone or in a group.
30 09 03

Assistive products for team ball sports

(13 product series)
Products that enable a person to engage in sports that require teams to move a ball around an indoor or outdoor area to facilitate scoring points.

30 09 12

Assistive products for target sports

(1 product series)
Assistive products for activities where the main objective is to hit a certain target with an object.

30 09 27

Assistive products for racquet and paddle sports

(1 product series)
Products that enable a person to engage in tennis, ping pong (table tennis), racquetball, squash, badminton and other racquet and paddle sports.

30 09 33

Assistive products for swimming and water sports

(8 product series)
Products that enable a person to engage in swimming and other water sports, including diving, water polo, and water skiing.

30 09 39

Assistive products for other sports

(21 product series)
Devices for other sports with special features for persons with disability.