Anti-oedema stockings for arms and legs and other parts of the body

Clothes that have a gradually descending pressure towards the body for curing or preventing oedema. Included are, e.g. tube-like elastic anti-oedema bandages, stockings for arms and legs for reducing or preventing swelling caused by circulation problems.
04 06 06 01

Anti-oedema stockings for legs

(36 product series)
Tube-like elastic bandages for reducing or preventing swelling in the legs caused by circulation problems.

04 06 06 02

Anti-oedema stockings for arms

(3 product series)
Tube-like elastic bandages for reducing or preventing swelling in the arms caused by circulation problems.

04 06 06 03

Other products for assisting circulation by passive compression

(4 product series)
Included are, e.g. elastic bandages.