Foam mattresses, synthetic (PUR)

Mattresses made of PUR (polyurethane) foam. E.g. HR PUR foam (High Resilience polyurethane foam), CM HR PUR foam (Combustion Modified High Resilience polyurethane foam) or viscoelastic PUR foam (temperature sensitive polyurethane foam).


High Resilience Polyurethane foam
Temperature sensitive polyurethane foam
cm (± 5 cm)
cm (± 3 cm)
cm (± 3 cm)
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SAFE Med pressure relieving Mattress no. 201, Pink top, user 30-130 kg

SAFE Med pressure relieving Mattress no. 201, Pink top, user 30-130 kg

SAFE Med pressure relieving mattress no.201 is an all-round mattress promoting good rehabilitation and sleep. The viscoelastic SAFE ViscoPore foam reacts to body heat and molds to the body, ensuring good blood circulation and a comfortable body temperature.
Comfor Incontinence cover is breathable and stretchable with covered zipper on three sides.

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Blytækkervej 10
8800 Viborg

SAFE Med pressure relieving Mattress PINK-GREY for heavy user 80-180kg

SAFE Med pressure relieving Mattress PINK-GREY for heavy user 80-180kg

SAFE Med pressure relieving Mattress no. 204 molds to the body for efficient pressure distribution and stability to prevent pressure sores and promote healing. The visco-elastic SAFE foam ensures good blood circulation and a comfortable body temperature.
Comfor Incontinence cover is breathable and stretchable with covered zipper on three sides.

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Blytækkervej 10
8800 Viborg

SAFE Med trykaflastende Helmadras nr.201YP,GUL-ROSA, brug op til 180kg

SAFE Med trykaflastende Helmadras nr.201YP,GUL-ROSA, brug op til 180kg

SAFE Med pressure relieving Mattress no. 201YP molds to the body for efficient pressure distribution and stability to prevent pressure sores and promote healing. The visco-elastic SAFE foam ensures a comfortable body temperature.
Incontinence cover is breathable and stretchable with covered zipper on three sides.
Choose 12 or 14 cm high mattress

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Blytækkervej 10
8800 Viborg

SAFE Med pressure relieving Mattress no. 201B,YELLOW top, up to 50kg

SAFE Med pressure relieving Mattress no. 201B,YELLOW top, up to 50kg

SAFE Med pressure relieving Mattress no. 201B molds to the body for efficient pressure distribution and stability to prevent pressure sores and promote healing. The visco-elastic SAFE foam ensures good blood circulation and a comfortable body temperature.
Comfor Incontinence cover is breathable and stretchable with covered zipper on three sides.

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Blytækkervej 10
8800 Viborg

SAFE Med Baby and Incubator mattress, pressure relieving

SAFE Med Baby and Incubator mattress, pressure relieving

SAFE Med Baby - Incubator mattress and childrens mattress shapes to the body supplying pressure relief.
Incubator mattress 2,5 cm high is recommended as a whole mattress to cut to the appropriate size of the incubator, crib or for small positioning parts. Child mattress is for anti-decubitus, deformities and pain relief. To order additional cover.

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Blytækkervej 10
8800 Viborg

Hyper Foam 2 clinic GREENLINE foam mattress (stage 4)

Hyper Foam 2 clinic GREENLINE foam mattress (stage 4)

For patients at high risk of pressure ulcers. Pressure-relieving, flexible, and fire-retardant foam mattress of the highest quality up to stage 4 ulcers. Fixed edges for better stability. Made with a core in 3-layer highly elastic foam with transverse and longitudinal cuts for optimal comfort and ventilation. Need other mattress sizes? Contact KR.

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Hyper Foam PLUS clinic GREENLINE foam mattress (stage 3)

Hyper Foam PLUS clinic GREENLINE foam mattress (stage 3)

Pressure-relieving, flexible, and fire-retardant foam mattress of the highest quality up to stage 3 ulcers. Fixed edges for better stability. Made with a core in 2-layer highly elastic foam with transverse and longitudinal cuts for optimal comfort and ventilation. Incontinence and breathable cover. Need other mattress sizes? Contact KR.

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