Seat liners for tissue integrity

Pads for tissue integrity covering the seat, the backrest and possibly the sides of a chair. May have various types of stuffing.


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Treat-Eezi Recliner Chair Overlay

Treat-Eezi Recliner Chair Overlay

This model is designed to protect people who spend most of the day sitting in a recliner from all 4 categories of pressure ulcers.
For pressure ulcers, the top mattress will support treatment while minimizing further tissue breakdown.
Our recliner model fits most standard chairs in nursing homes and home care.

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Astrid Leisner & Søn ApS
Korsvangcentret 2
5610 Assens



For multifunktional wheelchairs. Individual solution made to measure from head to toe. Available with different covers.

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Global Carehab
Holmstrupgaardvej 11
8220 Brabrand

Sitback Basic Plus

Sitback Basic Plus

Sædepude med fugtighedsabsorberende egenskaber. Aktiv kul optager den fugt kroppen afgiver når du sidder (op til Puden er forsynet med løs siddekile og lændestøttepude. Integreret carbon sædevarme (12V, 72w). Stof mex-sort.

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Sitback Basic Light

Sitback Basic Light

Sædepude med fugtighedsabsorberende egenskaber. Aktiv kul optager den fugtighed kroppen afgiver når du sidder (op til Puden er forsynet med løs siddekile og lændestøttepude. Stof mex-sort.

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