Blouses and shirts

Short and long sleeved blouses, shirts and jumpers.


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Polo t-shirt for wheelchair users

Polo t-shirt for wheelchair users

Wheelchair T-shirt with opening at the back is designed for wheelchair users and people with e.g. Parkinsons disease, paralysis or other disability.
The t-shirt can also be used for people without a disability, but who just want something stylish and an easier outfit.

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Easy Wear ApS
Mågevej 2, 1. th.
2400 København NV

Blouse for wheelchair users

Blouse for wheelchair users

Our wheelchair blouse is designed for women in wheelchairs, but also for citizens with various disabilities. The blouse makes the dressing easier and comfortable for the wheelchair user, who wants an easier dressing at the same time as the clothes must be stylish and neat.

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Easy Wear ApS
Mågevej 2, 1. th.
2400 København NV