Stairlifts with seat

Lifting devices that have a seat unit attached to one or more rails and that follow the shape and angle of the staircase.


cm (± 2 cm)
cm (± 2 cm)
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Chair Lifts - A Solution for Every Staircase

Chair Lifts - A Solution for Every Staircase

Chairlifts are the natural choice when it is no longer easy to get up and down the stairs. There is therefore no reason to move away from your home when there is a solution for all stairs - whether it is outside or inside, long or short, straight or with turns. As a walking-impaired, everyday life becomes easier with a chair lift.

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Flow 2

Worm ApS
Bakkegårdsvej 2-6
7900 Nykøbing Mors

Stigus Swing

Stigus Swing

Chairlift for curved- and straight stairs

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Platinum Curve Sving Stolelift

Platinum Curve Sving Stolelift

The curved stairlifts are adjusted perfectly to your staircase, bends, turns and corners are no problem for this Platinum curved stairlift.

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Platinum Horizon Ligeløbs stolelift

Platinum Horizon Ligeløbs stolelift

Platinum Horizon is for stairslift for straight staircases, the chairlift is easy to mount and has a simple operation. The chairlift comes in 2 models, standard and a Plus model. Plus model has adjustable seat, which is convenient in some cases.

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