
Wheeled, unpowered devices for transporting goods, with a flat surface and with or without a handle; Included are, e.g., tea trolleys and small tables on wheels.
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EPJ table

EPJ table

The EPJ table is simple and stable, and it can be used standing and sitting. It is available in three different sizes. It comes with a removable battery, and there is room for power cables.

Add to My list ApS
Avnvej 10
7400 Herning

Luna Trolley

Luna Trolley

Luna trolley is used for storage and transport of Luna ceiling hoist with strap. On the trolley is mounted the charger station, which make it possible to charge during storage.

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Winncare Nordic ApS
Tårnborgvej 12C
4220 Korsør

EPJ table battery

EPJ table battery

Table top in white laminate with black core. Dimensions: 55x40 cm. Frame in aluminum. Battery, 12V - 2.9 A. Charging time: 6 hours. Capacity: 50 Kg. Height adjustment: 69 - 135 cm.

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Jysk Møbelfabrik
Virkelyst 80 - 82
7400 Herning



Trolley with 2 surfaces and 4 wheels.

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Seniorshop ApS
Søborg Hovedgade 44
2860 Søborg