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Soft-Cell cover or Comfor PUR cover for SAFE Med cushion no.136.50/70

Soft-Cell cover or Comfor PUR cover for SAFE Med cushion no.136.50/70
Soft-Cell cover is waterproof and has a surface like SILK and can be used directly towards the skin. Soft-Cell is strong, elastic, breathable and absorbs more moisture than cotton.
Comfor PUR Incontinence cover can be wiped off with soapy water or alcohol solution, is strong, elastic, breathable and antimicrobial.
Covers are w. ANTI-SLIP backside.

09 07 06 08 - Covers for positioning pillows and positioning cushions

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Comfor Incontinence cover for SAFE Med Arm support no. 136.50


Registration date
Last updated

Machine washable
Can be disinfected
Flame resistant

Test information info
Though the product is testet, it might not have passed all requirements in the standard. Besides, some products are only tested according to parts of the standard. Read the test report for detailed information. See also other standards that could be relevant for this product type.
: Tested according to other national or international standard.
Test lab: Swerea IVF AB. Test date: 07-11-2018 Test report for HMI-no. 115093

EU product safety regulation info
The supplier has provided the following information about CE-marking of the product. Explain CE-marking
CE marked as medical device

Other specifications
Light grey cover with ANTI-SLIP backside.