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Etac Turner PRO turn aid with knee support

Etac Turner Pro is a turn aid with a functional design that offers safe patient turning with standing support. This turn aid enables a good posture and minimises the risk of injury for the carer when transferring, moreover, it encourages natural standing and sitting movement for the user.

12 31 06 02 - Turntables with a supporting handle

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Turner PRO turn aid with knee support


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User weight, max

Test information
No information about tests according to standards info
The supplier has not provided documentation, that this product is testet according to a relevant standard. See examples of relevant standards for this product type

EU product safety regulation info
The supplier has provided the following information about CE-marking of the product. Explain CE-marking
CE marked as medical device
EU declaration of conformity for HMI-no. 103467

Other specifications
People who need help often feel unsafe in transfer situations, which increases the risk of accidents. With Turner PRO, both user and carer can feel safe while the transfer is carried out simply.