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Primo Handball
This product series and all belonging products have been discontinued by TRESS AS since 02-01-2025
Wn small easily serviceable in and around water. Use it as a normal ball to throw or let it float in front of you at swimming exercises.
30 09 33 04 - Assistive products for swimming and water sports
The product series includes 1 discontinued product.
Product 1 of 1
Primo Handball
The product was discontinued from TRESS AS 02-01-2025HMI-no.
651 658
Registration date
Last updated
For buoyancy
Devices for assisting a person to float while swimming.
Fitness use
Assistive products designed for strength training in water.
Test information
No information about tests according to standards ![info](/en/img/i.svg)
The supplier has not provided documentation, that this product is testet according to a relevant standard. See examples of relevant standards for this product type
EU product safety regulation
No information about CE-marking ![info](/en/img/i.svg)
The supplier has not provided any information about CE-marking of the product. Explain CE-marking