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A Monocle that provides a wider field of view. Mainly used for orientation. Easy to bring in your pocket. The lens is made of high index mineral glass and the handle is made of metal.
22 03 15 01 - Assistive products for extending and adjusting range and angle of the field of vision
The product series contains 1 product.
Product 1 of 1
RP Monocle
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Last updated
Test information
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The supplier has not provided documentation, that this product is testet according to a relevant standard. See examples of relevant standards for this product type
EU product safety regulation
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Other specifications
The ML RP Monocle is carried in a strap around the neck (or in a pocket). When the user needs a wider field of view, he/she picks up the monocle and looks at the object through it. The monocle will minify the object and
make it possible for the patient to see it despite his/her reduced field of vision.
make it possible for the patient to see it despite his/her reduced field of vision.