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Hold On Tight mittens

Hold On Tight mittens
Hold on Tight mittens, assist the grip on ex bike handlebar, walker, crutches. Soft polyester inside and strong Beaver nylon outside fabric. Shaped for right or left hand to fit fingers position nicely. Velcro straps support the position of the arm wrist.
Sizes Child, junior and adult.

24 18 03 05 - Other devices for grasping

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Product 1 of 1
Hold On Tight Childrens mittens


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Test information
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The supplier has not provided documentation, that this product is testet according to a relevant standard. See examples of relevant standards for this product type

EU product safety regulation 
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The supplier has not provided any information about CE-marking of the product. Explain CE-marking

Other specifications
Hold On Tight - children assistance mittens in red Beaver nylon with right and left side model to secure that fingers position and grip on crutches, handle bar or walker are easily maintained. Closed by Velcro straps which also support the wrist. Washed at 40 gr. Available as single or pair. Childrens size fits from about 5-12 years of age.