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Socks with warm - child

Socks with warm - child
Wool socks for children with battery
Size 19/21, 22/24, 25/27, 28/31 and 32/35.
Comes with battery cover that attaches to the lip, and with 3.7V / 2000mAh battery pack. Under normal conditions, it will provide a useful life of approx. three hours.

09 03 27 01 - Stockings and socks

The product series contains 1 product.

Product 1 of 1
Socks with warm - child


Registration date
Last updated

Non-skid sole
Non-elastic edging
Recommended for diabetes sufferers

Test information
No information about tests according to standards info
The supplier has not provided documentation, that this product is testet according to a relevant standard. See examples of relevant standards for this product type

EU product safety regulation 
No information about CE-marking info
The supplier has not provided any information about CE-marking of the product. Explain CE-marking

Other specifications
All heating products such as K. C. Pedersen sell are medically approved. This means that the products meet the EUs requirements for medical products. This means that the heat aids must NOT exceed 43 . This requirement has been made for personal injury as incineration as a consequence of the use of the products.